The School for Imaginary Creatures

  • Our Mission

    To offer education, support, and community to the Imaginary Creatures of this world as they embrace their gifts and carry out their missions in this life.


  • Core Curriculum

    All students at The School for Imaginary Creatures begin with the Core Curriculum. These underlying precepts are critical to our work. Magic has rules and consequences, and in order to ensure we are acting responsibly in our roles, we must gain an understanding of:

    -Acceptance, and how embracing our truth opens our gifts
    -Shadow Creatures, and how they manifest within us
    -Energetic Hygiene, and how to keep our lives clear and clean
    -Connection to Place, and how to organize our lives in a way that magnifies our power and purpose
    -Finding Your Purpose, and how to ensure you are accomplishing the mission you were sent to work

    Following the Core Curriculum, students will begin work on any of the Gifted Pathways that call to them.

  • Gifted Pathways

    Each pathway at The School of Imaginary Creatures focuses on the skills, tendencies, and possibilities open to each type of Imaginary Creatures. As there are many, we encourage you to think broadly about what you feel lies within you, and consider taking any pathway that may resonate with a part of your true being. Do not limit yourself here. Here, anything is possible. Pathways that will open with the school include:


  • Workshops

    Students at The School of Imaginary Creatures are also encouraged to take stand-alone workshops that cater to their interests. These may apply to specific moments in your life, or may occupy certain sections of your existence. These workshops may include:


“I went to traditional therapy for 20 years with no improvement.
I’ve been seeing Ember for four months and my life is already changed.”
- Client Love